Campus Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Frostwood Elementary School
- Mission Statement, Vision, Core Values
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment
- Goal 1: Student Achievement
- Goal 2: Student Support
- Goal 3: Safe Schools
- Goal 4: Fiscal Responsibility
- Campus Funding Summary
Mission Statement, Vision, Core Values
Spring Branch Independent School District
Frostwood Elementary School
2020-2021 Campus Improvement Plan
Mission Statement
Our mission is to encourage successful, creative learners who are equipped socially, academically, morally, and technologically to meet the challenges of the 21st century in a safe and cooperative learning environment.
All Frostwood staff members will continue to embrace the rich diversity in and around our school, encourage higher level thinking, engage creativity and problem solving, and ensure academic and social preparedness.
Core Values
Every Child
We put students at the heart of everything we do.
Collective Greatness
We, as a community, leverage our individual strengths to reach challenging goals.
Collaborative Spirit
We believe in each other and find joy in our work.
Limitless Curiosity
We never stop learning and growing.
Moral Compass
We are guided by strong character, ethics and integrity.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Revised/Approved: June 22, 2020
Demographics Summary
Frostwood is a culturally rich, ethnically diverse campus. We are growing and are expected to have 800+ students and 80+ employees that strive to meet the social, emotional and academic needs of our students. Our students come to us from all over the world, bringing a wealth of experience and a wide variety of talent. Our students speak over 25 languages including English, Korean, Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish, Romanian, Russian, along with so many others.
Our staff provide rigorous and high-level academic learning opportunities that are differentiated to meet a variety of learners. Our staff is dedicated to on-going staff development and personal and professional growth in order to meet the ever-changing needs of our student body. We are forward thinking, with a focus on developing 21st Century Learners. We believe in teaching the whole child and are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to ensure each student makes significant academic and social progress each and every day.
Demographics Strengths
The rich background and experiences that our students and families bring with them offer a great source of pride, experience, and global understanding. Our staff, our parents, and our students are caring and accepting, eager to include and celebrate others.
Our families are highly involved with their children’s' lives both during and outside of the school day. Most of our children participate in before and after school programs that enrich their school experience. These programs include art, music, sports, language, cooking, religious, academic and healthy living experiences.
Student Achievement
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Revised/Approved: June 22, 2020
Student Achievement
Student Achievement Summary
Frostwood students are high-performing year after year, making consistently strong scores on the STAAR Assessment in grades 3, 4 and 5. Most of our students also show significant growth on the MAP assessment that is conducted three times per year. (Middle of the Year and Mid Year in 2019-20.) Most of our EL students make significant growth on TELPAS and are excited by the time they leave Frostwood.
Student Achievement Strengths
In grades 3, 4, and 5, most Frostwood students are at or above their grade level peers on STAAR when compared to others across the state and the nation. Roughly one half of our students mastered the grade level standards by the end of the 2018-19 school year and less than 2% of our students were unsuccessful. We did not take STAAR for the 2019-20 school year.
According to the TC Running Records, December 2019 Reading Data shows that 15% of our learners were reading above grade level, 58% were reading on grade level, 15% were approachign grade level and 12% were reading below grade level.
According to our 5th Grade Practice STAAR Math results, 64% mastered the assessment, 83% met grade level standards, and 97% approached standards. In Reading, 43% mastered the assessment, 78% met grade level standards, and 94% approached standards.
According to mid year Math MAP scores, 58% of our students scored at or above the 70th percentile with 65% in grades 3, 4, and 5.
Goal 1: Student Achievement
Student Achievement
- Performance Objective 1 - ACHIEVEMENT
- Performance Objective 2 - GAP-CLOSING
- Performance Objective 3 - STUDENT GROWTH
Performance Objective 1 - ACHIEVEMENT
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Frostwood Elementary School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 1: ACHIEVEMENT: By June 2021, Frostwood Elementary School will increase student performance on STAAR Grades 3-5 exams in reading and math at each performance level (by one point at approaches, by 5 points at meets, and by 10 points at masters in Reading and by one point at approaches, by 4 points at meets, and by 5 points at masters in Math.)
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: Reading: 96%(approaches), 80% (meets), 59% (masters); Math: 96% (approaches), 86% (meets), 70% (masters)
2017-18: Reading: 97% (approaches), 81% (meets), 53% (masters); Math: 97% (approaches), 86% (meets), 65% (masters)
Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR 3-8 Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Teachers will analyze, monitor and track data to guide large and small group Reading instruction ensuring student growth and progress. Teachers will meet quarterly to review data and adjust their long and short term Reading plans. Teachers and specialists will focus on and implement (and/or support) the components of Reader's Workshop which includes independent reading, partner reading, conferring, & small groups. Parents will partner with the staff to support student growth via home-to-school learning opportunities such as: reading to and with their child daily, regular use of literacy technology such as EPIC, ITS Learning, Raz Kids/A-Z Learning, class blogs, etc. Continued parent-teacher literacy training opportunities via in- person and virtual opportunities. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Frostwood students will grow one to one and half years’ worth in reading within this academic year as evidenced on OS, MAP, running records, and/or district benchmark data. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom Teachers, Team Leaders, Instructional Leadership Team, Specialists TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction Funding Sources: Substitutes - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $5,000, Instructional Materials - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $5,673.33, Medicare - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $150, Supplies and Expenses - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $7,000 |
Strategy 2: Daily Writing instruction will continue via Writer's Workshop to ensure student success at every level of writing across the grade levels. Workshop will include short, focused and direct mini lessons to include examples of good writing, the writing process, the qualities of good writing, as well as editing and revising skills. Sustained Writing to include: choice writing, drafting, planning, rereading, revising, proofreading, and talking with other writers about their work. Students will have regular opportunities to meet with their teacher (and/or other adults) one-on-one or in small groups. Students will have Share Time and/or Publishing opportunities. The teaching staff will continue strengthen Writing expertise with in-house staff development time, book studies and other training opportunities such as SBISD workshops, Region 4, Harris County, Teacher's College Trainings, etc. Writing samples will be saved, shared, and graded using common rubrics to track student growth. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teacher effectiveness and confidence will continue to grow. Student skill and confidence will increase. Students will produce rich writing. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom Teachers, Team Leaders, Instructional Leadership Team Funding Sources: Overtime - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $100, Substitutes - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $5,000, Instructional Materials - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $5,673.33 |
Strategy 3: Teachers will analyze, monitor and track data to guide large and small group Math instruction ensuring student growth and progress. Teachers will meet quarterly to review data and adjust their long and short term Math plans. Staff will be trained (or re-trained) on the components of Math Workshop and Model Drawing. The teaching staff will continue strengthen Math expertise with vertical and horizontal PLCs, in-house coaching opportunities, and hands-on learning. Parents will partner with the staff to support student growth via home-to-school learning opportunities across the grade levels with regular use of technology such as Dream Box, ITS Learning pathways, MAP Skills Navigator and daily math fact practice. Frostwood staff will continue to offer parent-teacher math training both virtually and in person. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Sustained success on common assessments, benchmarks, MAP, and STAAR (practice and live). Increased mastery and meets standards levels on STAAR. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom Teachers, Math Specialists, Instructional Leadership Team Funding Sources: Instructional Materials - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $5,673.34, Substitutes - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $5,000 |
Strategy 4: Continue to ensure that 100% of Frostwood classroom teachers are GT (Gifted and Talented) certified. Multiple opportunities for rigorous, higher level Blooms questioning, and differentiated student learning experiences will be planned for, executed, and tracked. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Well-planned lessons, high student engagement and participation. Increased student satisfaction. Higher levels of post-secondary readiness and preparedness on district benchmark assessments, Running Records, MAP, and STAAR. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom Teachers, Team Leaders, Counselor |
Performance Objective 2 - GAP-CLOSING
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Frostwood Elementary School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 2: GAP-CLOSING: By June 2021, Frostwood Elementary School will increase overall performance on STAAR Grades 3-5 exams to narrow the gap or improve performance above the target by at least 10 percentage points for students categorized as Economically Disadvantaged.
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: non Econ Dis 95%; Econ Dis 83%
2017-18: non Econ Dis 95%; Econ Dis 94%
Evaluation Data Sources: State Accountability Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: General Education Teachers will differentiate instruction for learners performing below level in an effort to accelerate learning. This includes but is not limited to: increased linguistic support, simplified and/or clarified vocabulary, hands-on learning, peer tutoring, re-teach and re-test opportunities, and scaffolded learning. ELL learners with no to very limited English will receive additional support (push in and/or pull out) from our support staff with a high emphasis on language development and confidence building. Specialists will augment instruction (push in or pull out) for those students with foundational gaps in reading and math. The students performing significantly below grade level will be identified and closely monitored. Support Specialists will meet quarterly to monitor progress, discuss student need, and brainstorm effective strategies for students and staff. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students performing below level will make accelerated progress. ELL learners will increase English Language acquisition. Teachers will feel increased support for struggling learners. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom Teachers, Support Specialists, Leadership Team TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math Funding Sources: Student and Teacher support - 199 PIC 23 - Special Education - $430, At-Risk Students - 199 PIC 24 - At Risk - $1,280, English Language Support for EL learners and staff - 199 PIC 25 - ESL/Bilingual - $3,020, Support Staff Substitutes - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $2,940 |
Performance Objective 3 - STUDENT GROWTH
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Frostwood Elementary School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 3: STUDENT GROWTH: By June 2021, Frostwood Elementary School will increase the % of students who meet or exceed conditional growth index (CGI) targets on Measures of Academic Progress: Reading (K-5) increase by 4 points, Math (K-5) increase by 2 points.
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: Reading - 59% met CGI; Math - 71 % met CGI
2017-18: Reading - 58% met CGI; Math - 70 % met CGI
Evaluation Data Sources: Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: READING: Frostwood teaching staff will implement all of the components of Balanced Literacy to meet the needs of all students and ensure student growth. Reader's Workshop will occur on a daily basis. Read aloud with accountable table talk, and shared reading with teacher will occur on a daily basis. Reading will occur by and with the students on a daily basis. (Independent reading, partner reading, conferring and small group reading. ) Teachers will receive on-going training and participate in independent study with the newly adopted Units of Study. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Data Trackers will show continuous student growth. For high performing students, performance will remain high. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Team Leaders, Instructional Specialists, Leadership Team TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction Funding Sources: Employee Travel - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $4,000, Library Materials and Books - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $3,000 |
Strategy 2: WRITING: Frostwood teaching staff will implement all of the components of Balanced Literacy to meet the needs of all students and ensure student growth. With the effective use of Writer's Workshop, learners will experience continued writing growth and success. (Modeled Writing by the teacher, Shared and Interactive Writing with the teacher, and Independent Writing by themselves.) Implement the Phonics Units of Study in grades K, 1 and 2 within reading and writing. Teachers will continue to receive support and ongoing staff development on Writer's Workshop during the fall semester before and after school and during PD time on staff development days. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Data Trackers will show continuous student growth. For high performing students, performance will remain high. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Team Leaders, Instructional Specialists, Leadership Team TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction Funding Sources: Employee Travel - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $4,000 |
Strategy 3: MATH: Frostwood teaching staff will implement all of the components of a Balanced Math Program to meet the needs of all students and ensure student growth. With the effective use of Math Workshop, learners will experience concrete, pictorial, abstract, and hands- on learning. The teacher will give clear, correct examples and model, and then gradually release. Students will demonstrate math numeracy and fluency, problem-solving, model drawing, and real world applications. Teachers will continue to receive training via morning staff development opportunities, district and regional offerings, and independent study. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Data Trackers will show continuous student growth. For high performing students, performance will remain high. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Instructional Specialists Leadership Team TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math, Connect high school to career and college - ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction Funding Sources: Teacher Training (Region 4) - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $1,000 |
Goal 2: Student Support
Student Support
Performance Objective 1 - SCHOOL CONNECTEDNESS
Goal 2:STUDENT SUPPORT. Every Frostwood Elementary School student will benefit from an aligned system that supports his/her academic and social- emotional needs.
Performance Objective 1: SCHOOL CONNECTEDNESS: By June 2021, the % of Frostwood Elementary School students who feel connected as both individuals and learners will increase by at least 2 points as evidenced on the Panorama Survey.
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: School Climate - 71%; School Belonging - 70%
2017-18: School Climate- 71%; School Belonging -71%
Evaluation Data Sources: Panorama Student Survey
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Continue to support extracurricular programs that promote the overall development of each student regardless of his/her socio-economic, academic or social-emotional status. Examples include but are not limited to: Art After School, Frostwood Fiddlers, Chess Club, Yoga, Gardening, Green Tigers, Cooking, Robotics, YMCA, Girl and Boy Scouts, Indian Princess, International Parade and Celebration, Carnival, Auction Activities, Book Fair, Mad Science, Kingdom Kids and SBMSA Sports. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased attendance in a wide variety of classes, end of program performances and showcases, increase feelings of school connectedness. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Program Leaders, Instructional Leadership Team, PTA Liaisons TEA Priorities: Connect high school to career and college - ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture |
Strategy 2: Continue to support extracurricular programs led by Frostwood staff that promote the overall development of each student regardless of his/her socio-economic, academic or social-emotional status. Examples include but are not limited to: 5th Grade Track, Choir Performances, Recorder Lessons/Concerts, Caroling with the community and MHS, Grade Level Study and Cultural Arts Trips, TAPS and Patrols, Student Council, Auction Activities, FWE Broadcast, Book Clubs, Homework and AM/PM Tutoring, Crochet Club, Debate, Spelling Bee, Art Show, International Spotlight and Multicultural Awareness via Morning Announcements, Book Fair Family Night, Walk-Bike-Scoot to School, Grade Level Plays, Student Council, No Place for Hate Committee, K-Shak. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased attendance in a wide variety of classes, end of program performances and showcases, increase feelings of school connectedness. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Program Leaders Instructional Leadership Team TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math, Connect high school to career and college - ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum |
Strategy 3: Continue the implementation of school wide inclusive practices throughout the school day. Morning Announcements to include highlighting, celebrating, and teaching about others. Spotlight programs, students, cultures, special events in Tiger Tales and on social media. Lessons including but not limited to: World Changers, Sister School Work (fundraisers, shared activities, drives), No Place for Hate Lessons and common language, Red Ribbon lessons and pledges, Reading Buddies, KSHACK, Love and Logic Lessons and Language, FWE PAWS for appropriate expectations, DARE, regularly scheduled in-class TRIBES lessons to assist in creating a caring environment where students and teachers respect individual differences and encourage students become responsible for themselves and others. Book Fair donations to sister school. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased feelings of belonging and school pride. Increased awareness of self and of others as evidenced by fewer discipline discussions and referrals. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Program Leaders, Librarian, Counselor, Leadership Team |
Performance Objective 2 - GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING
Goal 2: STUDENT SUPPORT. Every Frostwood Elementary School student will benefit from an aligned system that supports his/her academic and social- emotional needs.
Performance Objective 2: GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING: Each grade level will implement and support character education and social-emotional learning curriculum.
Evaluation Data Sources: Training materials and attendance rosters
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Continue to incorporate Character Strong lessons and resources into Morning Meetings, counselor lessons and faculty meetings. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decrease in discipline referrals. Panorama goals met. Academic performance goals met Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrative Staff, Counselor ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture Funding Sources: No Place For Hate and materials for Character Strong lessons. - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $250 |
Goal 3: Safe Schools
Safe Schools
Performance Objective 1 - SAFETY COMMITTEE
Goal 3: SAFE SCHOOLS. Strengthen school safety by establishing and conducting Campus Safety Committee reviews throughout the school year.
Performance Objective 1: SAFETY COMMITTEE: Strengthen school safety by establishing and conducting Campus Safety Committee reviews throughout the school year.
Evaluation Data Sources: Campus Safety Committee roster
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: CAMPUS SAFETY COMMITTEE: Establish Campus Safety Committees composed of a cross section of stakeholders to look at matters related to campus safety. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Each Campus principal will recruit a safety team and provide a roster. Each campus team will meet three times per year so that all campuses will be able to refine safety practices. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators Funding Sources: Clinic Supplies - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $750, Custodial Overtime and Supplies - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $500, Radio Maintenance - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $500 |
Strategy 2: HARRIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: Participate in the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) campus safety audit. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus will develop action plans to address any deficiencies as a result of safety audits. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Safety Committee |
Performance Objective 2 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS
Goal 3: SAFE SCHOOLS. Strengthen school safety by establishing and conducting Campus Safety Committee reviews throughout the school year.
Performance Objective 2: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS: Develop Campus Emergency Operations Procedures (EOP) that comply with SB 11, and include Standard Operating Procedures.
Evaluation Data Sources: Campus Emergency Operation Procedures Documents
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROCEDURES: Campus EOP will align to the best practices from the Texas School Safety Center and the Standard Operating Procedures, such as the "I Love You Guys" Foundation. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus EOP is turned in and filed by September 1st. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators |
Strategy 2: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROCEDURES: Update campus EOP annually and train staff at the start of each school year. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus procedures maintained in campus EOPs. Staff training documents maintained. EOP submitted by September 1st. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Safety Committee |
Goal 4: Fiscal Responsibility
Fiscal Responsibility
Performance Objective 1 - FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
Goal 4: FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. Frostwood Elementary School will ensure efficient and effective fiscal management of resources and operations to maximize learning for all students.
Performance Objective 1: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Maintain high quality financial management practices so that financial resources provide the maximum possible support for T-2-4.
Evaluation Data Sources: Year-To-Date (YTD) Budget Reports (monthly, quarterly, annually)
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Conduct daily budget meetings with Administrative Assistant to review and manage money. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Error free records. Documentation of purchases and orders. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Administrative Assistant, Assistant Principal Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.1 |
Strategy 2: Monitor Paraprofessional work and time off for campus efficiency. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Well run office and school building. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal and Administrative Assistant TEA Priorities: Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals - ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 3: Positive School Culture Funding Sources: Region 4 Services - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $450, Support Staff-Substitutes & Overtime - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $1,060 |
Campus Funding Summary
Campus Funding Summary
199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services | ||||
Goal | Objective | Strategy | Resources Needed | Amount |
1 | 1 | 1 | Substitutes | $5,000.00 |
1 | 1 | 1 | Instructional Materials | $5,673.33 |
1 | 1 | 1 | Medicare | $150.00 |
1 | 1 | 2 | Overtime | $100.00 |
1 | 1 | 2 | Substitutes | $5,000.00 |
1 | 1 | 2 | Instructional Materials | $5,673.33 |
1 | 1 | 3 | Instructional Materials | $5,673.34 |
1 | 1 | 3 | Substitutes | $5,000.00 |
1 | 2 | 1 | Support Staff Substitutes | $2,940.00 |
1 | 3 | 1 | Employee Travel | $4,000.00 |
1 | 3 | 2 | Employee Travel | $4,000.00 |
Sub-Total | $43,210.00 | |||
Budgeted Fund Source Amount | $32,770.00 | |||
+/- Difference | -$10,440.00 |
199 PIC 23 - Special Education | ||||
Goal | Objective | Strategy | Resources Needed | Amount |
1 | 2 | 1 | Student and Teacher support | $430.00 |
Sub-Total | $430.00 | |||
Budgeted Fund Source Amount | $430.00 | |||
+/- Difference | $0.00 |
199 PIC 24 - At Risk | ||||
Goal | Objective | Strategy | Resources Needed | Amount |
1 | 2 | 1 | At-Risk Students | $1,280.00 |
Sub-Total | $1,280.00 | |||
Budgeted Fund Source Amount | $1,280.00 | |||
+/- Difference | $0.00 |
199 PIC 25 - ESL/Bilingual | ||||
Goal | Objective | Strategy | Resources Needed | Amount |
1 | 2 | 1 | English Language Support for EL learners and staff | $3,020.00 |
Sub-Total | $3,020.00 | |||
Budgeted Fund Source Amount | $3,020.00 | |||
+/- Difference | $0.00 |
199 PIC 99 - Undistributed | ||||
Goal | Objective | Strategy | Resources Needed | Amount |
1 | 1 | 1 | Supplies and Expenses | $7,000.00 |
1 | 3 | 1 | Library Materials and Books | $3,000.00 |
1 | 3 | 3 | Teacher Training (Region 4) | $1,000.00 |
2 | 2 | 1 | No Place For Hate and materials for Character Strong lessons. | $250.00 |
3 | 1 | 1 | Clinic Supplies | $750.00 |
3 | 1 | 1 | Custodial Overtime and Supplies | $500.00 |
3 | 1 | 1 | Radio Maintenance | $500.00 |
4 | 1 | 2 | Region 4 Services | $450.00 |
4 | 1 | 2 | Support Staff-Substitutes & Overtime | $1,060.00 |
Sub-Total | $14,510.00 | |||
Budgeted Fund Source Amount | $21,450.00 | |||
+/- Difference | + $6,940.00 | |||
Grand Total | $62,450.00 |